The Parrots

Please click on each image to find out more information about each parrot
Daenerys - Kakariki: Hatched Feb 2019. Arrived 2019.

Daenerys started our parrot sanctuary. It was quite accidental. I had to go into a pet shop and saw this little angel. He was 6 months old and had been in the tiniest cage all his life. The cage was about the size of an A3 piece of paper and all that was in it was a single perch. He had developed the coping strategy of climbing round and round his cage incessantly. There was no way I was going to leave him there. The owner charged me £30 and never asked anything. Daenerys came home with me and will never be caged again. He is as bold and bright as his colours and lives the best life keeping guard, flying around, eating peppers, and being an all round superstar. He will always be loved and adored.

Sponsored by their special friends: Sandy Day
Mary Shelley - Kakariki: Hatched Oct 2021. Arrived 2022.
Mary is a survivor. 9 days prior to her arrival, her cage was dive bombed by a sparrow hawk and in her panic, she caught her leg ring in the cage wire and ripped her foot off. The poor angel wasn’t taken to a vet and the owner was going to ‘pull her neck’ instead. She is now happy, independent and living her best life. She shows determination and true grit, never letting her disability get in the way of her daily activities. She is an absolute superstar.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Andrew Neville-Smith, Judith Pressland
William Shakespeare - Kakariki : Hatched 2022. Arrived 2022.
What a sweet little boy William is, he chirrups away and loves the company of other birds and is a happy little soul. He was very well looked after before arriving here and is a little over fond of sunflower hearts so needs to lose a bit of weight. He also loves his fresh food too which is great. He has beautiful markings and is a handsome young chap.

Sponsored by their special friends: Michaela Hutchinson
George Orwell - Kakariki: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2023.
George is a gorgeous little fellow who is confident and bright. He loves to explore and discover new things. He is enjoying the space of the aviary and is always very busy.

Sponsored by their special friends: Toadally
Ernest Hemingway - Kakariki: Hatched 2021. Arrived 2023.
Ernest is a very quiet little angel who seems quite withdrawn. He has plucked his feathers and is quietly stressed. In time he will learn to come out of his shell and be a little kakariki but it will be a long journey.
Sponsored by their special friends: Jane Tooms
Enid Blyton - Kakariki: Hatched 2023. Arrived 2023.
Enid Blyton is a gorgeous little girl who likes to live quite an independent life. She spends her days flitting about under the branches or looking for food in the shelter. She is quiet and happy and is enjoying being busy and has carved a contented life out for herself.
Sponsored by their special friends: April Brown
Ernie II - Kakariki: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Ernie II is a real little dude. He is fiesty and fun with his parrot friends but is a bit shy with people. He was a much loved parrot and arrived with his 4 special friends. He can’t wait to explore what the aviary has to offer.
Sponsored by their special friends: Zak Hooper & Abbie Newing.
Oscar III - Kakariki. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023
Oscar III is an absolute dream. He is so friendly and endearing. He loves attention and is cuddly. He also loves exploring the world and being busy. He was very much loved and has joined us as part of a group of 5, so is a happy little boy.
Sponsored by their special friends: Zak Hooper & Abbie Newing.
Rosa - Kakariki. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023
Rosa is a gentle little soul who loves just hanging out and being a kakariki. She was a much loved parrot and has arrived with her 4 very special friends. She lives scratching in the undergrowth and quietly mooching around.
Sponsored by their special friends: Zak Hooper & Abbie Newing.
Bowser - Kakariki: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2023.
Bowser is a dear little angel and is the daughter of Rosa & Oscar. She was a well loved little girl whose owners wanted her to have a better life. She is very sweet natured and loves her family and friends. She came in as part of a group of 5 so already has an established little flock.
Sponsored by their special friends: Zak Hooper & Abbie Newing.
Diego - Kakariki. Hatched 2019. Arrived 2024.
Sponsored by their Special Friends:
Fidget - Kakariki. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Sponsored by their Special Friends:
Sirius - Eastern Rosella: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2021. Sirius came to us with Bellatrix, the pair had been kept caged all their life. He was quite aggressive with other birds and was very wild. With time and patience he started trusting me more and now is happy in my presence. He no longer feels threatened by people or birds and is much happier. He does still check out every new bird that arrives and lets them know he is there. He has his work cut out these days as he now has 3 females he is responsible for and spends his days feeding them, hanging out with them and generally being busy.

Sponsored by their special friends: Philippa Mitchell

Bellatrix - Eastern Rosella: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2021. Bellatrix arrived with Sirius and had been kept in a cage with him all her life. She was very timid when she arrived and was scared of everyone. She still is quite shy but is content to live her life as she pleases. She moults excessively so always looks a little scruffy. She now has to share Sirius with Lapis & Lyra so often feels a bit pushed out.

Sponsored by their special friends: Julie Robinson
Sarah - Eastern Rosella: Hatched unknown. Arrived 2022 from Avian Angels Parrot Rescue. Sarah came to the rescue as a stray that no one claimed. We are currently not quite sure whether Sarah is male or female, but on observing Sirius’s reaction, we think possibly male. He is well mannered and careful, and doesn’t want to rock the boat. He is brave and calm and plays by the rules. He enjoys eating his parrot mash and hanging out with the other rosellas albeit at a distance.

Sponsored by their special friends: James Dent
Lily - Eastern Rosella: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022
Lily is a very timid little girl who doesn’t want to be handled or have any interaction with people. She will be fine in time but is currently scared and underweight after being in an aviary. It will be great to see her interact with other Eastern Rosellas and enjoy life as part of a larger flock.
Sponsored by their special friends: Alex Pickles
James - Blue Pennant Rosella: Hatched 2008. Arrived 2022.
James is a grand old bird and rules his flick with an iron fist. He likes to keep everyone in their place and sorts out any issues. He is very handsome as well as being a good leader.
Sponsored by their special friends: PerchPeek
Albus - Crimson Rosella: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Albus is a lovely bird with beautiful markings. He is well
Mannered and understands his place. He likes to eat fresh food as well as his pellets.
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Hermione - Crimson Rosella: Hatched 2016. Arrived 2022.
Hermione is a beautiful girl who is happy and settled. She is a lovely part of the rosella flock and understands her place. She mixes well with her friends.
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Alfie - Eclectus: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
What a darling Alfie is. He sees all, hears all and says nothing. He loves his parrot chop and eats like a horse. He likes to sit quietly and observe the world around him. He is very respectful of other parrots and is a gentle soul. Sometimes he ventures outside when the mood takes him, but currently he spends most of his time inside just hanging out and being an angel.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Zoey Scott, Alice Tollan, Graham Roberts, Vic Webb
Taff - Hahns Macaw: Hatched 2012. Arrived 2022
Taff is an absolute angel. She absolutely loves cuddles and is a real Velcro bird. Her favourite place is on my shoulder or snuggled in my hair. She has a great range of words and often tells me she loves me. When she is a bit anxious she counts to 3. She greets people with a ‘hello’ - even if they are on the phone. She is so incredibly grateful to be out of a cage and have the freedom of the aviary, even if that does mean she has the freedom to be a shoulder bird.

Sponsored by their special friends: Liam Hodgson, Lisa Sutcliffe
Sweetie - Hahns Macaw: Hatched 2004. Arrived 2023.
Sweetie is a gorgeous little boy who has settled in beautifully into aviary life. He loves being part of a flock and is very well mannered with the other parrots. He gets very excited at the prospect of walnuts and loves to flash his eyes and say hello when they appear. He very much enjoys the company of Taff but in a non-confrontational way. At night he sits near her as she snuggles up to Mitu, and he has recently started snuggling Jasmine. He’s a happy, contented and lovely angel.

Sponsored by their special friends: Carolyn Batey
Harry - Hahns Macaw: Hatched 2002. Arrived 2023.
What a dear sweetheart Harry is. He is adorable in every way. He lost his top mandible approx 10 years prior to arriving here, in a consternation with a large macaw. However, he manages to eat and live and be happy despite his life being that bit harder. At night time, he always says ‘night night’ and then sometimes ‘be a good boy’ which honestly breaks my heart as he is the best boy ever. He has a close friend Duke and both are elderly. They always snuggle together at night. Harry has a special serving of dinner that he loves and admittedly he is spoilt but he is so worth it.
Sponsored by their special friends: Lewis Ramage
Pingu - Hahns Macaw: Hatched 2016. Arrived 2024.
What an absolute darling Pingu is, she is so beautiful and sensitive and loving. She has been loved and adored her whole life but just wasn’t coping being on her own. Her Mum then made the decision to put Pingu’s needs first and give her the life she craved, by bringing her to a sanctuary where she could be with her own kind. Parrots should never be kept in isolation however hard that decision is, so her Mum has given her the greatest gift she could. Pingu now lives the life of a happy flock bird and will spend the rest of her life with us.

Sponsored by their special friends: Laurie Thayer, Ros Thayer, Neil Thayer
Scooby - Hahns Macaw. Hatched 2011. Arrived 2024.
Scooby is adorable. Like all Hahns, he is larger than life and has a big presence for a smaller member of the Macaw family. He has been loved and is now enjoying life as a free parrot with all his friends. He has a lot to say for himself and is great fun. I love his telephone voice, and if you hear someone saying ‘Ok then, bye!’ As soon as you get through, I promise it’s not me!
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Felicity Payling
Charlie III - Blue & Gold Macaw: Hatched 1999. Arrived 2023.
Charlie is a gorgeous boy who adores having other large macaws to be with. He loves to preen them and be preened back and is ever so gentle with the smaller birds. He has a bit of a walnut addiction going on and can fit a huge number in his beak at any one time. He doesn’t want to be stroked by people but is happy to be in their company - especially if they have walnuts with them.

Sponsored by their special friends: Lynn Hughes, Logan Beckett-Hill
Oscar II - Blue & Gold Macaw: Hatched 2003. Arrived 2023.
Oscar is a lovely angel who is friendly and charming and loves a tickle. He arrived here because he can be quite noisy and so needs to be with his own kind. He is enjoying mixing with the flock and getting to know everyone.
Sponsored by their special friends: Vivien Csiszar
Mellow. Blue & Gold Macaw. Hatched 2018. Arrived 2023.
Mellow is a very sweet natured girl. She travelled a long way to come to us and she is so welcome in our flock. She is loving and trusting and is going to spend all her days with the company of her own kind living her best life.
Sponsored by their special friends: Jasmine Clark & Danny Fretwell
George - Blue & Gold Macaw. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Oh my angel George. He’s had a turbulent past and came in as an aggressive parrot. He is as gentle as a lamb and simply needed to be out of a cage. He adores Eve and protects her, but he also loves the company of the other macaws. He is a gentle giant who was just afraid. He even comes over to comfort me if he thinks I need it. I love him dearly and I think he knows it.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Sharon Reynolds
Eve - Scarlet Macaw. Hatched 2009. Arrived 2024.
Eve was a much loved pet but wasn’t able to be free from her cage anymore. She is bonded with George and looks to him for protection. She is loving being part of a flock but is still finding her way around as everything is so different for her. She is cared for and loved by her carers and her friends. She occasionally goes outside and finds it fascinating, but then goes back in to her friends. She hasn’t a lot of self confidence but she is working on it and will get there as there’s no pressure on her to be anything but herself. She is loved.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Sharon Reynolds, Tee
Scoop - Green Wing Macaw. Hatched 2005. Arrived 2024.
Oh bless you Scoop, you are a great big feathery angel who is fairly clueless. You have the sweetest heart and have been adored from the minute you hatched. He is here because it was no longer possible for his family to give him the freedom he needed and enjoyed. He will be loved forever by all of us and his mum is still a big part of his life. He trundles along the wooden poles
In the parrot house with his lower beak on the wood, scraping off any parrot in his way - I don’t think he even notices them. He them chews every thing in his path regardless if it wants chewing or not. He is the highest maintenance parrot I have ever encountered. I just wish he could get a paper round or something to pay for all of his collateral damage. I adore him, the great big klutz.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Loz Crane
Surya - Sun Conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021

Surya was kept on her own in a cage for 2 years with no enrichment. She was understandably very antisocial and used to bite as well as show atypical behaviour. As soon as she arrived with us, she flew up, landed on my shoulder and snuggled in. She hasn’t looked back since. She spends her days playing with her mates, being preened, chatting with them, hanging out and generally loving life. She is feisty and will defend her friends fiercely. Including me in the ‘mates’ list means she can be a bit defensive if others want to hang out with me. She is definitely a banana girl and relishes the dried ones more than the fresh.

Sponsored by their special friends: Marion Welsh
Inti - Sun Conure: Hatched 2021. Arrived 2021

Inti is an adorable little minx. He is incredibly cheeky and affectionate, and loves eating clothes, sitting on shoulders, nibbling things, sliding over your face, and generally making his presence felt. He was sold in a pet shop to a lovely family when they went in to buy a hamster. Inti is no hamster. He is complicated, demanding, loud, irresistible and incredibly intelligent. He loves life and companionship. He is so happy being part of a flock of fellow sun conures. The family did the right thing by him and brought him to a place where he can truly be happy.

Sponsored by their special friends: The Semmens Family
Pablo - Sun Conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022.

Pablo was a little nervous when he first arrived. He had been kept in solitary confinement for 2 years with very little time out of his cage. He soon took his lead from his fellows and started to trust people and take walnuts out of my hand. He screams loudly at walnut time and flaps his wings like a baby bird in order to be fed. It is so lovely seeing him grow from being a scared little boy to now being confident, cheeky and outgoing. He loves his conure family and they all hang out, chat, fly and eat together. He is a beautiful and outgoing little man.

Sponsored by their special friends: Tim Howells, Jackson’s Plant Hire, John
Helios - Sun Conure: Hatched 2015. Arrived 2021.

Helios was kept in a very small cage before he came to us. He had been imported from the Netherlands previously so has had a few homes. He had a companion but she sadly died. He is a very shy bird and is timid. However, he is starting to take walnuts from my hand and he joins his mates and sits on me. In his previous home he was never allowed out of his cage and hadn’t experienced flight before. He now really enjoys his freedom and feeling the sun and wind. He absolutely loves being part of the flock and spends time just hanging out with his mates.

Sponsored by their special friends: Jude Claudett
Mango - Sun Conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022. Mango came to us from The Haven Parrot Rescue after being rehomed from a family that found him a little noisy. He has indeed got a lot to share with his friends and enjoys story telling together with the rest of the Sunny gang. He was a little intimidated when first joining a busy aviary but is finding his feet and making friends. He is a little nervous of people still, but that should improve as he gains confidence. He is really enjoying having the freedom to make choices and share these adventures with his new friends.
Sponsored by their special friends: PerchPeek
Apollo II - Sun Conure. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Apollo is gorgeous. She is very inquisitive and loves to explore her surrounding. She enjoys flying around and getting out and about. She is closely bonded to Sammy who she came in with. She will love being part of the sunny gang.
Sponsored by her special friends: Becky
Duke - Jenday Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Duke is a darling little angel who came to us from a rescue centre. He is an elderly boy but still has life left in him to enjoy the sanctuary. He loves to explore both inside and outside but tends to like his own space rather than mix with the louder younger conures. His best friend is Harry, who he hangs out with and likes to share his dinner . At night time they both snuggle up together, both being elderly together. He really is a friendly, lovely little star.

Sponsored by their special friends: Stella O’Mahony
Scrappy - Jenday Conure. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Scrappy is delightful. He needs to build up his confidence and his health. He has healing of his spirit to do. He’s so friendly - but on his terms, he’s nervous but wants to be part of the parrot community but needs confidence to take the plunge. He has an aviary full of parrot friends waiting for him. He just needs to now recover and become who he was always meant to be.
Sponsored by their Special friends:
Charlie - Green-cheeked Conure: Hatched 2015. Arrived 2022. Charlie came to us from The Haven Parrot Rescue after his previous owner had died. He is quite a timid little lad and has yet to learn that people won’t hurt him now. He is desperate to make friends with other conures, but sometimes doesn’t know how to do this very well so it doesn’t always go to plan. He is a beautiful lad and his feathers are iridescent in the sunshine. In time he will find his way in a flock and then will thrive.
Sponsored by their special friends: Brooke Hodgson
Elu - Cinnamon Green-cheeked Conure: Hatched July 2020. Arrived 2021. Elu arrived as female but was definitely male! He is the cheekiest bird in our flock and is very very naughty, but totally adorable. Any new bird soon learns that when Elu sidles up to them, he is only pretending to get to know them. His favourite hobby is using his grabby feet sidewards to take hold of ideally their wing, then keep it in a vice like grip to chew their feathers. He has learnt his name very quickly, and then takes a sidewards gaze and drops the horrified newcomer. He loves to nibble legs too. It is impossible to be cross with him as he is so funny and cheeky. He has recently paired up with Mahele and is very demonstrative.He lives life to the full, and enjoys every day of it.

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Tala - Maroon-bellied Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022. Tala is a new boy, he was caged to be used as a breeding bird so had never been handled or socialised. He loves life in the aviary and has made friends with the conure gang - he is especially fond of Enola and they spend time preening each other and hanging out together. He is a happy little chap and likes to be busy or asleep.

Sponsored by their special friends: Nick Stott
Rez - Yellow-sided Green-cheeked Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2021. Rez is the King of the inside gang. He reigns with an iron fist and takes no prisoners - well, unless they are much bigger than him, then he chooses wisely. He is all mouth and trousers and he bluffs well. He likes to stay inside even though the door is left open and he is free to come and go. He is gaining confidence to preen his human by taking his lead from Kiwi. They are a bonded pair and complement each other as opposites.

Sponsored by their special friends: Angela Lockwood
Enola - Turquoise Cinnamon Green-cheeked Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2021. Enola was quite blustery and boisterous when she arrived and tended to be a bit aggressive towards her friends. This was bluff as she felt quite insecure and hormonal. She had a bit of an accident when being too ‘friendly’ with Rez, and ended up snapping off a section of her bottom beak. This has now grown back and been filed to the right shape again but the whole experience has made her calm down and appreciate her friends more. She is now a lovely little bird who is respectful and polite nearly all the time.

Sponsored by their special friends: Jude Claudett
Kiwi II - Yellow- sided green-cheeked conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022
This little angel came from a lovely family that wanted a better life for him. He always yearned for a flock so he loves being part of our sanctuary. He is a happy little fellow who is excited about meeting new friends. He loves his food - especially walnuts.

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Sunshine - Green-cheeked Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022
Sunshine is a little sweetheart who likes to have a kiss and reassurance that she is noticed. She is a bright little button who happily goes about the aviary investigating everything and socialising. She loves her buddy Rainbow and they are never far away from each other - chatting, snuggling and piling up together to sleep. She is an absolute darling.

Sponsored by their special friends: David Martin, Roger Neville-Smith
Pickle - Green-cheek conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Pickle really is a little Pickle. He came from The Haven Parrot Rescue Centre after being in a petting zoo. He is very friendly and cheeky. He has a scissor beak, which means his lower mandible grows out and up at an angle, so it needs regularly trimming down. He accepts this and is very gentle when he is handled. He is desperate to be in a flock of conures and will thrive when he is in the aviary. He is a dear little soul.
Sponsored by their special friends: Leila Roberts
Loki - Green-cheek Conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022
Loki is a gorgeous little parrot that came from The Haven Parrot Rescue Centre. He is inseparable from Kevin, and the pair go round as one unit. He likes to try and escape and I’m sure the pair of them spend time plotting this. They all very much enjoy being part of a bigger flock and will all squash in together for nighttime snuggles.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Neo - Green-cheek Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022
Neo is a gorgeous little angel who came from The Haven Parrot Rescue Centre. He is best friends with Nala and are always together. They like to hang out and do everything at the same time. He loves Harrison’s pellets and especially turning them all in to crumbs.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Nala - Pineapple Green-cheek Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022
Nala is a happy little girl who likes to keep herself busy- especially if this is with her best friend Neo. She came from The Haven Parrot Rescue Centre. She likes chewing on willow twigs and stripping the bark. She also really loves walnuts.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Cherry - Cinnamon Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Cherry is a lovely little girl who loves her friends and knows how to mix well. She is happy and loves to interact with others and take interest in what is happening around her. She enjoys her food.
Sponsored by their special friends: Megan Broadbent
Willow - Green-Cheek Conure : Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Willow has many friends and is always busy. He is well lived in his flock and is in a good group of parrots that look out for each other. They are always up to something.
Sponsored by their special friends: Alex Bradbury
Aspen - Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Aspen is a lovely little boy that is active and aware of what is going on around him. He loves his fresh food and likes to investigate all things.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Holly - Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Holly is beautiful and busy. She likes to play and eat and sleep. She enjoys life and has a positive outlook.
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Olive - Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Olive wears her emotions on her sleeve and likes to keep the group informed of what is happening in the local area. They all play and interact well with each other and are a happy bunch.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Rowan - Green-cheek Conure : Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Rowan is a lovely little bird who is always busy and active. He enjoys being part of a large group of friends and always has plenty to do. He is chatty and friendly.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Juniper - Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Juniper is a lovely little boy who loves being part of a friendly flick. He likes to chat and play and sleep. He also loves eating his fresh food.
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Reggie - Yellow-Sided Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2023.
Reggie is a happy and active little fellow. He chatters away to his best friend Bo. He is contented with life and enjoys exploring and eating.

Sponsored by their special friends: PerchPeek
Bo - Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2023.
Bo is a lovely little girl who is contented with life and happy to go on adventures with her best friend Reggie. She enjoys the company of other conures and eating fresh food and walnuts.

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Kiwi IV - Turquoise Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2023.
Kiwi IV is a gorgeous little angel. He is full of character and is really cheeky. He talks a lot but most of it is incomprehensible- except when he says his name. He finds life fun and wants to live it. He has a glorious naughty side to him which is very endearing. He is a lovely little soul.

Sponsored by their special friends: Laura Sanderson
Bilko - Cinnamon Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched 2018. Arrived 2023
Bilko is a lovely little angel who is full of life and always busy. He loves a bath and fresh food. He has his sibling with him - Dodger, and the two have always been together.
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Dodger - Cinnamon Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched 2018. Arrived 2023. Dodger is a lovely little angel. He came in with his sibling Bilko and the two have never been separated. They do every thing together and are happy little souls.
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Cooper - Green-Cheeked Conure: Hatched 2022. Arrived 2023.
What an absolutely adorable little angel Cooper is. He is very friendly and affectionate and clings to whoever is available. He came from a family who were given him as a present and thought he’d be better off with his own kind. He loves his new life and is making lots of friends.
Sponsored by their special friends: Hannah, Oliver & Seth Watts, Elmira Myrolyubova, Damien Spratt
Rosie - Yellow Sided Green Cheeked Conure: Hatched 2016. Arrived 2023.
What a little character this little angel is. She is larger than life and very cheeky. She has travelled many miles in her life and ended up at a wildlife rescue, who then passed her on to us. She is fiesty and fun and loves to play games. She chats away incomprehensibly and is a great little girl.
Sponsored by their special friends: Jacqui Wilmhurst
Jasper - Green-Cheek Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Oh boy, what a little sausage Jasper is. Presumed female, she is full of character and confidence, and has made her presence felt from the second she arrived. She came from a lovely lady who had bought her to get her out of a pet shop. She came in like a fire storm and has put all her friends in their place in the integration pen. I think Cooper might have a clone….
Sponsored by their special friends: Claire Thistleton
Skittles - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure: Hatched 2016. Arrived 2024.
My dear little Skittles came in like a storm, made her presence clear that she was never to be messed with, then as soon as she possible could, she flew outside and joined the outdoor gang of green cheeks. She’s wild and feral and proud. She doesn’t want anything to do with anyone except her own kind and she is happy just the way she is. She never needs to be anything else.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Abi O’Hagan, Karen O’Hagan
Sonic - Pineapple Green Cheeked Conure: Hatched 2022. Arrived 2024.
Sonic is adorable. He is so friendly and trusting. She has previously learnt that biting people removes them, but is unlearning this - with the occasional slip up. She loves her cuddles and is coming to terms with the concept of sharing her people with others. She has had a bumpy beginning to life having been found, then homed, then rehomed. She is now safe and loved and is here for the rest of her life, being loved.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Dan & Jo , Danilo De Cristofaro
Sammy - Green Cheeked Conure. Hatched: Unknown. Arrived: 2024.
Sammy is a darling little chap who is quiet and sweet natured. He is brave enough to try out new foods and is closely bonded to Apollo II who came in with him. He is a much loved member of our flock.
Sponsored by his special friends: Becky
Jubb-Jubb - Green-Cheeked Conure. Hatched 2013. Arrived 2024.
I’m praying that this little mite makes it. She was a breeding bird and has suffered. She is so badly plucked that I doubt her feathers will grow back. She is very feisty and has a fighting spirit but has been through so much in her life. She needs to build up her strength and learn to be a parrot that is free again. She is truly lovely.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Nicola Sumner
Eric - Pearly Conure : Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022.
Eric is one half of a double act. He is a gorgeous little lad who is full of fun and mischief. He is never far away from his special friend Ernie and between them, they like to live life to the full.
Sponsored by their special friends: Paula Ellis
Ernie - Pearly Conure: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022.
Ernie is a lovely little lad who enjoys learning all about life. He has a special friend - Eric, that he is inseparable from. Together they play and go on adventures and eat their fresh food. They are very active and happy.
Sponsored by their special friends: Paula Ellis
Wasabi - Blue-Throated Conure. Hatched 2009. Arrived 2024.
Wasabi is a gorgeous little girl. She is feisty and bluffs her way through life but underneath that bluster is a frightened little girl. She is very scared of hands and will bite fingers, but she is desperate for cuddles and love. She has come to us as quite an old girl. Her life hasn’t been easy but now she is free to be a parrot and learn about life in a flock.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Bianca Macovei
Sailor - Patagonian Conure. Hatched approx 2002. Arrived 2022 from The Haven Parrot Rescue. Some birds touch your heart in a special way. Sailor is one of those. She is a little lost soul. She has been on her own in an aviary for 10 or more years. The previous 10 years are unknown. At some point her wing was broken so she can’t fly. All she wants is to be loved and she follows me around asking for cuddles. When she is picked up she purrs and presses herself against me, desperate for physical touch and affection. She hasn’t had much contact with another living soul for a very long time. She is very old and I don’t know how long she has left, but I do know that her remaining time on Earth will be filled with love.
Sponsored by their special friends: Caroline Proudfoot, Tom Redhead
Jerry - Cordilleran Conure: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022
Jerry is a darling little parrot who came from a family who only had him for a few weeks. Prior to this he was in a pet shop. He wasn’t wanted because he likes to call and sing loudly. He adores Archie and wants to be with him. Time will tell if this continues once they are in the big aviary. He is scared of people at the moment but this will improve when he understands that not all people shout and get cross at him for being a parrot.
Sponsored by their special friends: Katrina Salvi
Geoff - Port Lincoln Parrot: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Geoff is a lovely boy. He was brought in by a couple who had wanted a parrot as a pet. However, after realising that Geoff wanted a life out of a cage and with his own kind, they brought him to our sanctuary. He was a little overwhelmed at first but is settling down to his daily routines surrounded by friends and being allowed to exhibit natural behaviours. He lives the freedom that life now offers him.
Sponsored by their special friends: Claire & Ersen Isik
Charlie Chaplin - Senegal. Hatched approx 2012. Arrived 2022. Charlie is a dear little soul. He was quite timid when he arrived from The Haven Parrot Rescue, and spends a lot of his time staring - in a typical Senegal way. He loves holding food in his beak for ages before eating it, especially apple or walnut. He has paired up with Sparky, our very old little Senegal, and both sit near each other mainly just staring, or sleeping. He very much enjoys being in the aviary where he can watch everyone else, usually from a high point and near Sparky. He is so sweet.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Molly - Senegal: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Milly is a lovely little girl who has arrived only a couple of days ago. She has self mutilated so has found life quite stressful so far. She also had a seizure a couple of weeks before arrival so life has been tough for her. Once she is in the aviary, she will find life very different and will have the freedom to be herself.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Lola - Senegal: Hatched 2022. Arrived 2024.
Lola is an absolute darling. She is so friendly and calm. She really loves life in the sanctuary where there is no pressure in her to be anything other than herself. She lives the company of her flock and she also loves to spend time watching the world go by with the wind in her feathers, before joining us for a cuddle and head stroke.

Sponsored by their Special Friends:
Shiva - Indian Ringneck: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Shiva is a stunning parrot but a very sad one. He came from an aviary where the owner had developed dementia and was unable to care for him properly. He had also just lost his best friend a week before joining us. He has plucked his feathers a bit due to sadness and stress but these should grow back in time. He is shutdown but I am hoping he will learn to be happy again when he is in the aviary.
Sponsored by their special friends: John Chapman
Joey II - Indian Ringneck: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Joey II is a sweetheart. He had been in a rescue centre for quite a while and was overlooked. He was then paired up with Rio and they eventually became best friends. He is quite flighty and wary but is happy to have the freedom of the aviary.
Sponsored by their special friends: Michael Ware
Darwin - Indian Ringneck: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Darwin was found near the PDSA vets in Leeds flying free. After being taken in by a very kind vet, she was then brought to us to live her life as free as she could be. She is gentle and less ‘wild’ than she could be, but no owner came forward so she is now here for the rest of her life. She’s a lovely girl.
Sponsored by their special friends: Tom Padgett
Pinky - Indian Ringneck: Hatched unknown. Arrived 2024.
Pinky is a beautiful little angel who has travelled a long way to be with us. She absolutely loves being outside in the aviary and flies around with her own flock of friends being who she was always meant to be. She has no need for human companions and is a wild, free and happy little girl.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Chrissie Anderson
Lupé - Indian Ringneck: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Lupé is a beautiful little girl who has always been a little bit afraid of people. All she has ever wanted to be is a wild girl flying free with her own flock and that’s exactly what she is now. Her previous owners recognised that she needed the freedom of a flock so brought her to be with us. She has found her place in the world and is happy.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Mariah & Emma
Ringo - Indian Ringneck. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Dear little Ringo is a very happy boy now he has his own flock to be with. He spends all his time outside in the big aviary flying around and playing with his friends, then eating, sleeping, enjoying all the weather and his friends. He will live this life for the rest of his life now.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Katie Chapman
Sullivan - Indian Ringneck: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Much loved little angel who is here to give her a better life. She is struggling to come to terms with being on her own so her owners knew she needed her own kind. They have brought her to us so she can be who she was always meant to be.
Sponsored by her Special Friends: Rob & Zoe
Peanut - Indian Ringneck. Hatched 2021. Arrived 2024.
Peanut is a dear little soul who has had a stressful beginning to her life. She didn’t cope with being in a cage - as so many don’t. Her owners decided that she would be better flying free with her own kind. She is learning about life in a flock and is enjoying being free to fly and be herself. She doesn’t have a lot of self confidence but is slowly gaining it. She loves to fly but also really loves the companionship of the other birds.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Melissa
Kiwi III - Alexandrine: Hatched 2013. Arrived 2023.
Kiwi is an absolute angel - so sweet and affectionate. She came here to have a life of freedom and friends and is so loved. She loves her food and enjoys cuddles.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Rio - Alexandrine: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023
Rio is a gorgeous little girl who loves to sing her own ancestral song. She is playful and engaging and enjoys hiding in newspaper. She has has had a few homes prior to arriving here and has a close friendship with Joey II after being homed with him.
Sponsored by their special friends: Michael Ware
Odin - Alexandrine: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Odin is a gorgeous boy. He came in from a rescue and has spent many years in homes, before coming to rest here in the sanctuary. He is very friendly and loves kisses. He also loves to wolf whistle and have as much attention as possible. He is an absolute angel who is very entertaining and loveable.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Liz Falkingham,
Harriet - Alexandrine. Hatched 2021. Arrived 2024.
Harriet is a little sweetheart. She is very nervous and flighty, and loves just being with her own kind. She’s always been allowed to fly so enjoys the space that the aviary will give.
Sponsored by her special friends:
Floki- Alexandrine. Hatched 2022. Arrived 2024.
Floki is a beautiful boy who is now learning how to be free and explore the wider world in a sanctuary. He was initially a little overwhelmed but is adapting beautifully to flock life and is busy making friends and exploring his new world. It’s lovely to see him starting to gain confidence and learn how to socialise and be the parrot he was always meant to be.
Sponsored by their Special Friends:
Percy - Alexandrine. Hatched 2017. Arrived 2024.
Percy is a stunning boy. He is calm and confident with a sweet temperament. He is loving life in the flock and is enjoying getting to know all his friends and being part of their world. He loves to fly around outside and stretch his wings. He had no issues settling in and being part of the family of parrots.
Sponsored by their Special Friends:
Kirra - Australian King Parrot: Hatched 2017. Arrived 2023.
Kirra is strong and resilient despite her past. She has learnt to deal with the rough times and very much appreciates the good. She is very happy to have a special friend in Kuparr and the 2 of them support each other well.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Daku - Australian King Parrot: Hatched 2010. Arrived 2023.
Daku is a quiet and gentle soul. He likes to keep himself to himself and never causes any problems. He’s quite an old boy, so isn’t as energetic as some of the others, and he loves to eat. He would be happy if he could spend his life eating, sleeping, preening and keeping himself out of the way of the females!

Sponsored by their special friends: Mark Rowe
Alinta - Australian King Parrot: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Alinta is a quiet little girl who doesn’t like to be too near people. She’s a wild girl and loves to be free and outside in the aviary with te wind under her feathers and flitting from the high branches. She likes to be near her own kind and enjoys the company of the other Kings in the aviary. She is cautious about other species and is a very polite girl.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Yindi - Australian King Parrot: Hatched 2023. Arrived 2023.
Yindi is a little angel. She came in with her sibling Jarli when they were just 9 months old and both are incredibly friendly and sweet. Yindi is quiet generally but is practising how to balance on twigs as well as branches and how to navigate all the space she now has. She loves walnuts and fresh parrot chop so often has a sticky beak.

Sponsored by their special friends: Callie Turney
Jarli - Australian King Parrot: Hatched 2023. Arrived 2023.
Jarli is such a gorgeous little angel. He is friendly and loves to sit on my head and preen me. He loves his food and walnuts and is very much enjoying discovering the world. He arrived with his sibling Yindi when they were just 9 months old, so the sanctuary is a big adventure for him. He was very noisy when he arrived which is why he was given the Aboriginal name Jarli.
Sponsored by their special friends: Callie Turney
Asterix - Cockatiel: Hatched unknown. Arrived 2021. What a little sausage Asterix is. He is so lovely. He came to us as a lost bird that no one came forward to claim. He had landed on someone’s head - as if asking for help and so was brought to us. He is such a character. He loves to whistle and head bob in tandem, and his favourite whistling game is the ‘I’ll whistle and you copy’ game. He is a little wary of landing on us if the sunny gang are about, but as soon as they go, he’s there. He likes kisses and leaning his head into ours, but doesn’t like hands. His favourite friend is Tsuki. His special friend was Chilli the kakariki but when Chilli died, he seemed to understand and accept it, which broke my heart at his beauty. He really is so lovely.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Tsuki - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021. Tsuki arrived as a bit of an emergency in the first lockdown of the pandemic. She came from Rotherham and I remember the motorways were deserted on the way to pick her up. She was purchased as a friend for Asterix as he was the first of our cockatiel and up to that point, we only had 2 kakariki. She puts up with quite a lot, and both her and Asterix act like an old married couple. He is a bit grumpy on an evening when he is tired and lets her know. She accepts it all and puts up with him as admittedly, he is rather lovely. She is quiet and non-demanding and stays by his side no matter what. I think she rather likes life as a domestic goddess.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Othello - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021. Part of the London 10 gang. What a little angel Othello is. He tries to be brave and loves to be part of the gang. He is confident enough to sit on our heads and will have a little nibble kiss. He likes to be fed little bits of walnut in an evening or a few Harrison’s pellets. His special friend is Miranda and he likes to look after her- maybe a little too much as he preens her vigorously and is solely responsible for her baldness. In his eyes he is doing the best job he can. He is a very loving little boy.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Oberon - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021. Part of the London 10 gang. Oberon is a very beautiful boy who likes to chirp and sing. He has decided that his favourite friends are Othello and Miranda, and he hangs round with these guys and shares in their daily antics. He is often found sitting on the ropes with them, chilling out, or eating from the millet sprays which are his favourite things.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga, April Brown
Ariel - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021. Part of the London 10 gang. Ariel is a happy little chap who likes to sing and show the world how beautiful he is. There is no arrogance in this at all, he just celebrates his life and all that is around him. His special friend is Juliet. They are contented in each other’s company and love being outside regardless of the weather. Ariel is a big and strong boy who loves eating millet and Harrison’s pellets.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Romeo - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021. Part of the London 10 gang. Romeo is a dear little soul who mixes well with all the cockatiel gang. He is sociable and friendly, and knows where his place is in parrot society. He adores Othello and the two of them spend all their time together within the greater flock. He loves eating millet sprays and is often found on them.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Juliet - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2021. Part of the London 10 gang. Juliet is a fine little girl and plays very nicely with her friends. She is not dependent on people but likes to forge her own way with the support of her close friends - especially Ariel. She enjoys listening to him sing and is happy in her world. She loves eating millet sprays and can often be found in the millet basket tucking in.

Sponsored by their special friends: Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Joey - Cockatiel: Hatched 2012 OTA. Arrived 2022. Joey is a dear little boy who has a fighting spirit to survive despite his background. Prior to arriving, he had been incarcerated in a cage for 10 years without ever being let out or handled. His elderly owner then died and he was passed on to a neighbour who then contacted us. Because of his cage life, he is unable to fly and looks quite frail. He is holding his own though and is coping with his entirely different lifestyle. I am very much hoping he makes it.
Sponsored by their special friends: Judith Pressland, Nick Wood, Pauline Whitaker, Ivy Hoaen, Grace & Nathan Malton Sinagoga
Vorenus - Cockatiel: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022.
Vorenus is a beautiful girl who is partnered with Pullo. She has been well looked after and loved by her carer, but now needs to live in an aviary. She is very quiet and well behaved, and in the past has laid eggs. She now can live in a large flock and enjoy all the social interactions.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Pullo - Cockatiel: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022.
Pullo is a lovely little boy who is partnered with Vorenus. He is in beautiful condition and has been well looked after by his carer but now needs to spend his life in an aviary with others of his own kind. He is very attentive of Vorenus and looks after her. He is quiet, and obliging and a dear little soul.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Eos - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022.
Eos is a quiet little soul who came from a family that was surrendering a few parrots. She hadn’t been in this home long and has already had a number of homes despite only being young. She enjoys seeing the world and will almost accept a head stroke. She hasn’t had time outside a cage so is quite shutdown. This will all change once she is accustomed to the aviary and being part of a flock.
Sponsored by their special friends: Karen & David Wright
Hoppy - Cockatiel: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022.
What a lovely little girl Hoppy is. She has a little family- Steve and her baby Max. She is a typical matriarch and sorts the boys out, as she can find them a bit too demanding. She is beautiful and is happy to chill and eat and then fuss a bit. She does like her food.

Sponsored by their special friends: Phil & Meg Broadbent, Helen Broadbent
Steve - Cockatiel : Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022.
Steve loves his Cockatiel lady - Hoppy, he is a good partner and likes to preen her and fuss- perhaps a bit too much for her liking as she does just want to sit and eat. The little family unit works well - Max is their offspring. They are a happy little group and Steve loves the security of this.
Sponsored by their special friends: Phil & Meg Broadbent, Helen Broadbent
Ophelia - Cockatiel: Hatched 2019. Arrived 2022.
What a beautiful angel Ophelia is. She is so friendly and yearns for love and affection. She has quite a strong will and doesn’t like to be pushed around but loves a cuddle and a fuss. She really is a sweetheart.
Sponsored by their special friends: Elmira Myrolyubova
Demetrius - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022.
Demetrius is a lovely little angel who doesn’t have a lot of confidence in himself. He is learning how to be part of a flock and mix with a large group. He finds new things a bit daunting but is coping and enjoying his new life.
Sponsored by their special friends: Jasmin & Evan Day
Ohso - Cockatiel: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2023.
What a little angel Ohso is, she is an absolute dream and so sweet. She has been loved all her life and has come into our care in order for her to live out her life as a cockatiel. She is beautiful, healthy, friendly and loving and has joined our flock as if she has never been away.

Sponsored by their special friends: Melanie Hemsworth
Sally - Cockatiel: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Sally is a confident little girl who came in to live a better life. She likes the company of other cockatiels and is sociable. She is very large and will benefit from flying around and exercising. She also loves to sing to the boys too.

Sponsored by their special friends: Jayne King
Chachko - Cockatiel: Hatched 2015. Arrived 2023.
Chachko is a dear little angel who has come in with his best friend Kula. He was brought in as his female companions were constantly getting egg bound He is friendly and affectionate and a lovely little boy.

Sponsored by their special friends: Anuszka
Cleopatra II - Cockatiel: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023
Cleopatra is a lovely little girl. She was brought here by a lady who took her on when no one else wanted her. She’s sweet and gentle and wouldn’t hurt anyone. She adores being part of the larger cockatiel flock and spends all her days being with them and flying free. She’s a special little girl.
Sponsored by their special friends: Helen Broadbent
Maurice - Cockatiel : Hatched 2022. Arrived 2023.
Maurice is a confident young man who came in with his best friend Elijah. They always hang round together even when in the much larger cockatiel flock. He likes to sit with his friends on the big wigwam stand and enjoys spending most of his days outside living his best life.

Sponsored by their special friends: Jo & Dan Pollard
Elijah - Cockatiel: Hatched 2022. Arrived 2023.
Elijah is a lovely little girl who has found her happy place in the flock of cockatiels. She has her own friends within the flock and is still closely bonded with her special friend Maurice. She is a gentle girl and makes sure she gets on well with everyone. She is a beautiful member of the flock,
Sponsored by their special friends: Jo and Dan Pollard
King Lear - Cockatiel: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
What a fine and beautiful boy King Lear is. He’s full of bravado and life and enjoys being a dominant and noisy tiel. He had a ponchant for chewing wallpaper and wood and therefore his owner thought it best that he joins our flock. He’s a great little character that enjoys being alive.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Benedick - Cockatiel: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Benedick arrived in a sorrowful state on Christmas Eve with his best friend Beatrice. The police brought them when their owner had died and they were left alone. They were both really shut down and scared and their cage was horrendously small and filthy. They are now on the road to recovery and I sincerely hope that they will enjoy their new world here with us.
Sponsored by their special friends: Helen Broadbent
Ajani - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2006. Arrived 2022.

Ajani was rescued from an appalling situation. For 15 years he has been passed from pillar to post and used as a stud bird (think puppy farming for parrots) . He was kept in a bare cage at the bottom of a pile of similar cages. He has never been handled kindly, he is too scared to venture outside, but he is now learning that not all humans are cruel and mercenaries. With plenty of time, love, kindness and quietness he will slowly continue his journey of recovery. He is such a brave boy.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Andrew Neville-Smith, Julie Davison
Ollie - Congo African Grey: Hatched approx 1982. Arrived 2022. Ollie is a little darling. He came to us from a family that had owned him for approx 25 years, and he has had at least 2 or 3 homes prior to that. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he found himself in a cage nearly all the time, with only about 30 minutes a day of time out. He has plucked his feathers off and is worried about life. He speaks, whistles and makes noises and in time will start to enjoy the freedom of being in an aviary. He is an old boy but he won’t need to worry any more about being rehomed. Sponsored by their special friends: Yean & Thomas, Freddie Foulger, Hannah Watts
George - Congo African Grey: Hatched 1990. Arrived 2022
George is quite a character and is reasonably tame - on his terms. He came from an aviary where sadly his owner had developed dementia so was unable to look after him properly. He is bonded to his partner Mildred and they spend their time together. He talks a bit and makes sounds and likes to be active.

Sponsored by their special friends: Daniella McSorley
Mildred - Congo African Grey: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022.
Mildred came to us as part of a pair - George being her companion. They had both been in an aviary and unfortunately their owner had developed dementia so wasn’t looking after them properly. Mildred was very underweight so she is benefitting from a diet of Harrison’s pellets and fresh food. She also loves her walnut treat. She is semi-tame but there are no expectations placed on her to become a ‘pet’. She is welcome to live her life now as she chooses.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Poppy - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2009. Arrived 2022.
Poppy is a lovely little girl who came from a family that had developed allergies to her feathers. She is in ‘show condition’ so will burn off a few calories learning how to fly again. She is slightly overwhelmed at the sight of so many other parrots - especially African Greys as she hasn’t seen another parrot since she was first hatched. She will gain confidence and find her wings as soon as she can.
Sponsored by their special friends: Audrey Patterson
Mojo - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2009. Arrived 2022.
Mojo is a much loved angel. He is calm and friendly although likes to have his own space too. He has a good range of vocalisations and is always interested in what is happening around him. He has bonded with his special friend Coco.
Sponsored by their special friends: Usman & Matty Alam
Coco - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2010. Arrived 2022.
Coco is a dear little girl who is very calm and gentle. She has adapted to life in the aviary well and enjoys being part of a large bird family. She is quite talkative and likes to say ‘Choo chop’ if she thinks I am being too slow with her food - especially her walnuts. She has bonded with her special friend Mojo.
Sponsored by their special friends: Mike Moore
Suzy - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2000. Arrived 2023.
Suzy is a beautiful girl who is calm and kind. She is friendly and enjoys company, and loves being part of the flock.

Sponsored by their special friends: Simon Jackson, Brenda
Charlie II - Congo African Grey: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023
Charlie is a dear little soul. He is quite anxious and wary, and has a habit of screaming like a tortured beast when picked up. He is so sweet though and in time will gain confidence and find his own place within the flock.
Sponsored by their special friends: Sue Rodgerson Yean & Thomas
Molly - Congo African Grey. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023
There are no flies on Molly, she is intelligent and knowing. She doesn’t suffer fools gladly but respects her equals. She could easily run a country.
Sponsored by their special friends: Mirelle Merrit
Lou-Lou - Congo African Grey. Hatched 2018. Arrived 2023
Lou-Lou is a gorgeous girl. She is very sweet natured and calm. She loves a cuddle and head stroke and is really enjoying being part of a flock. She is chatty and full of character and often asks ‘what’s your name?’
Sponsored by their special friends: April Brown
Albert - Congo African Grey: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Albert is a dream bird. He is delightful in every way and is a real shoulder buddy. He loves a cup of tea - which is very naughty, and likes to have head snuggles and kisses. He has been and will be much loved.
Sponsored by their special friends: Stuart & Leslie Barr
Rocky - Congo African Grey: Hatched 1996. Arrived 2023.
Rocky arrived here from a lady who had owned him for 15 months as a 5 year old bird. He was hatched in 1996. He hadn’t had a day out of his small cage and is supposed to be vicious. He isn’t vicious at all - frightened, yes, stressed, yes, sworn at and poked, yes. He is now on a new journey of hope and self discovery where he can be part of a flock and have freedom to make his own choices.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Luna - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2016. Arrived 2023.
What an absolute angel Luna is. She is incredibly friendly and loves to be with people as well as her own kind. She spends her time sat on any shoulder she can find and lives kisses and strokes. She is enjoying flying and being outside after living permanently in a cage.
Sponsored by their special friends: Molly Kemp
Arthur - Congo African Grey: Hatched 1997. Arrived 2023.
Arthur is a lovely sweet angel who arrived with us after being loved his whole life. He loves to make friends with the more elderly members of his human companions and enjoys sitting on their shoulder being pampered and loved. Although he spends most of his time in the parrot house, he also enjoys going outside for a flying session before returning to his special roosting corner where the small pellets are. Apparently these taste better than their larger counterparts. He always says hello when he sees me too- he’s such a polite boy.

Sponsored by their special friends: Judith Pressland
Casper - Congo African Grey: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Caspar is a dear gentle little soul who hasn’t had an easy life. He came in with only one leg but manages brilliantly and has made great adaptations to living. He arrived with Misty, but then as soon as he was released into the sanctuary, he fell in love with Luna and the 2 of them spend all their time together. He’s great at flying and loves to spend his days outside with the wind under his feathers. He loves walnuts and makes a beeline for the walnut shelf when he comes inside.
Sponsored by their special friends: Zac Goldsmith
Griz - Congo African Grey: Hatched 2021. Arrived 2023.
Griz is a lovely cheeky boy. He is a perfect ‘stamp’ of a grey and is very handsome. He really wants to be friends with everyone but doesn’t quite learn that if you bite, when you want to be stroked, then it’s not going to help. He stares with such love in his eyes but can’t help himself. He loves flying round the outside section of the aviary and chats away to anyone who will listen. He loves walnuts too.
Sponsored by their special friends: Yasu, Abbie Newing, Darral Taylor
Jojo. Congo African Grey. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Jojo came to us as a bereaved parrot, along with his sibling Harry II. He was once a much loved family member but his ‘Dad’ died over a year before he arrived and in that time Jojo has been kept in a cage with very little interaction. He is a darling and loves attention and beak rubs. He will spend the rest of his days with us in our flock with many of his own kind.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Harry II: Congo African Grey. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Harry II is a darling little angel. He came in with Jojo and both parrots had been bereaved a year earlier. He was once lived and part of a family, but since his owner died, he has been left in a cage with no interaction. He has self harmed by pulling his feathers out - a stress response to real unhappiness. He loves to whistle tunes and spends all his time playing ‘I’ll whistle, you copy’ . He will now have a secure future full of love in our flock.
Sponsored by their special friends:
Oliver - Congo African Grey. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
What a darling Oliver is. He is very much loved and he knows it. He has a fetish for rose hips and loves to talk almost as much as he loves his food. He is a happy boy and well balanced in his demeanour. He is calm and settled and loves company - but like all his compatriots, it’s on his terms.
Sponsored by their Special Friends: Gill Penn
Marley - Orange-Winged Amazon: Hatched 2014. Arrived 2022.
Marley was a very lucky boy as he was found wandering around South Wales and was taken in by a lovely couple who had other parrots. He stayed with them for a year and spent his days flying around their house with his friend Poppet. However, the family thought he would be happier in an aviary situation so brought him to Morndyke with Poppet where he will spend the rest of his days being free to do as he pleases.
Sponsored by their special friends: Ash & Rich
Poppet - Orange-Winged Amazon: Hatched 2020. Arrived 2022.
Poppet lives up to her name and is a little sweetheart. She has had a chequered history as she started life in a cage in a shed where she was kept as a breeding bird even though she was far too young. Here she developed atypical behaviours as a coping strategy, which she still has now. A really lovely couple took her on, and immediately had to take her to the vets to have her leg ring cut off as it was embedded into her leg and was causing her a great deal of pain. She immediately relaxed and began to trust them and feel safe. She lived with her friend Marley and the two are inseparable. The family decided that an aviary situation would be far better for them, even though they had the freedom of their house and were never caged. She now lives her life enjoying the fresh air and sunshine and rain with Marley and will so for the rest of her life.
Sponsored by their special friends: Ash & Rich
Maverick - Orange-winged Amazon: Hatched 2006. Arrived 2022. Maverick came to us from The Haven Parrot Rescue after being rehomed and returned. He is a bird that needs the space of an aviary rather than the interaction with people. He has bonded closely with Captain - his little sidekick, and the two of them love to snuggle up together, and argue too. Maverick loves a bath and spreads his wings to gain maximum water coverage. He also loves walnuts.
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Tlaloc - White-fronted Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2022. Tlaloc’s story is a sad one. He came to Morndyke from Avian Angels Parrot Rescue. Prior to this he had been abandoned in a council house. The owner didn’t even care enough to pass on a name. She locked the house and left him in it. His feathers show signs of malnutrition too and one side of his nares (nostril) has been damaged. Well Tlaloc will now spend the rest of his days learning that life doesn’t have to be bad and there are humans that can show love. Understandably, he can be aggressive towards people but with time, this will hopefully improve. He is going nowhere as this is his forever home.

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Gracie - Orange-Winged Amazon: Hatched 2006. Arrived 2022
Gracie is an absolute sweetheart who is charming and tuneful. She loves to sing and chatter. She has been passed through a few homes and has only just arrived with us . She is looked after ferociously by her friend Onka who lives her very much.
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Onka - Red-Lored Amazon: Hatched 1998. Arrived 2022.
Onka has had a tough life and has only just arrived at our sanctuary. He used to be friendly but now is very scared of people and can be a little bit aggressive but this is only out of fear. He defends Gracie with his life and is very much bonded to her. I know in time he will learn to relax and be himself. He has nothing to fear now.
Sponsored by their special friends: Nick Gow
Boko - Yellow-Headed Amazon: Hatched 2017. Arrived 2022. Boko is an absolute angel. He arrived after his owner had to go into a care home. He is very sweet natured and friendly. He had to be taught how to eat pellets by watching me eat them and then take them from my mouth! He is very mild mannered and gets in well with all the other birds. He already loves walnuts!

Sponsored by their special friends: Lisa Tonge
Polly - Orange Winged Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Polly is an angel. She has such a sweet personality. She came to us because she was so sad after spending her life in a very bad place. She is learning to be at peace with herself and that not all people are going to hurt her. It is now her time to be happy.

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Jean - Orange-Winged Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Jean is a special little girl. She has had a really hard life and is so scared of people. She was rescued by a dear old lady who asked us to take her. She came here with no name and very little history so has been named after the wonderful lady who refused to let her suffer any longer. She now has a future ahead of her that is filled with love.

Sponsored by their special friends: Jean Brown
Oscar - Orange Winged Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Oscar is a dear little soul who is so gentle and sweet. He loves to gently hold your hand in his foot and adores his head being stroked- which makes him sleepy. He is a little bit anxious and often says ‘Oscar be careful’. He is so lovely and kind too and is great with the other birds.
Sponsored by their special friends: Stewart Addison
Bobby - Blue Fronted Amazon: Hatched 2010. Arrived 2023.
Bobby is full of character and is very vocal. He speaks beautifully and also likes a good whistle sing song. He also likes attention so pretends he is dying brutally in order to bring over a suitable human. He’s a really lovely parrot
Sponsored by their special friends: Julie Robinson
Mitu - Orange Winged Amazon: Hatched 2001. Arrived 2023.
Mitu is a dear little angel that loves to chatter away and join in conversations. She was a little shy when she first arrived and was very over weight. However, she now spends a lot of time flying around and integrating with the flock so will soon be a newly slimmed down version of herself. However, she is very fond of walnuts so it might take some time to get ‘beach ready’. She is excited to be with lots of friends and is bonding with staff the Hahns.
Sponsored by their special friends: Jayne King
Jasmine - Red-Lored Amazon: Hatched 2014. Arrived 2023.
What a dear sweet girl Jasmine is. She is very talkative and loves to ask for tickles and tell me she’s a good girl. She loves having parrot friends and spends her time hanging out with the other Amazons. She has her own special call when she wants to make a noise. She loves her food and tends to eat a lot of walnuts if she can possibly get to them all. She is always kind to other parrots and is respectful of their space. She’s a lovely character and is very sweet natured.
Sponsored by their special friends: Cheryl & Darren Wells,
Jade - Yellow-Naped Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
What a gorgeous girl Jade is, she is very beautiful and kind and gentle too. She would never hurt anyone but prefers not to share her sleeping stand with anyone else. She gets very animated when I sing and loves to join in. She has a large repertoire of words and loves to flash her eyes and tail. She loves hoovering up food and is quite a big girl, so occasionally is called the juggernaut.
Sponsored by their special friends: Lewis Ramage
Sheryl - Blue Fronted Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023.
Sheryl is a dear little soul who is with us as her Dad is poorly. She was found 7 years ago in a hawthorn bush and was then taken in and loved. Her family loved her very much but are not now able to look after her. It will take her time to fully adjust into the aviary and understand that she is safe and loved, which she is.
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Navy - Vinaceous Amazon: Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2023z
Navy is such an angel. She came to us from a rescue centre after being left unwanted for a very long time. She doesn’t want to mix with people, just her own kind, which is absolutely right. As soon as she joined our flock, she visibly relaxed and found peace. She will stay with us for the rest of her days, knowing that she doesn’t need to be anything other than herself.
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Spirit, Willow, Ivory, Apollo, Phoenix, Bambi, April, Storm, Clover - The Honorary Parrots (The Pigeons): Hatch Date: Unknown.

It’s because of these guys that Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary began. We built an aviary for these rescued pigeons back in 2018. They have nearly all come from the racing industry and all had been abused, broken or abandoned. They were shipped to us from a pigeon rescue centre that was bursting at the seams. None could be returned to their racing homes so they found a forever home here at Morndyke. They are very entertaining and really rather clumsy compared to their parrot house mates. They are all individuals with their own personalities and peculiarities and rights. They will all stay here to be loved and cared for, for the rest of their lives.

Snow Deceased.
Clover Deceased.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Storm - Tom G
Spirit, Willow, Ivory, Apollo, Phoenix, Snow, Bambi, April, Storm, Clover - The Honorary Parrots (The Pigeons): Hatch Date: Unknown.

It’s because of these guys that Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary began. We built an aviary for these rescued pigeons back in 2018. They have nearly all come from the racing industry and all had been abused, broken or abandoned. They were shipped to us from a pigeon rescue centre that was bursting at the seams. None could be returned to their racing homes so they found a forever home here at Morndyke. They are very entertaining and really rather clumsy compared to their parrot house mates. They are all individuals with their own personalities and peculiarities and rights. They will all stay here to be loved and cared for, for the rest of their lives.

Sponsored by their special friends:
Spirit: Dan Pollard
Angel - Fan-Tailed Dove. Hatched Unknown. Arrived 2024.
Angel is such a beautiful girl. She is calm and sweet natured despite her troubled beginnings in life. She is loving life as a free girl and immediately made friends with the pigeon gang. She loves their company and also loves being free to make her own decisions is life.
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Morndyke Farm, Cottage and Shepherds' Huts

Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary is part of Morndyke Farm near Thirsk, North Yorkshire. Morndyke offers Luxury Shepherd Hut accommodation, a self-catering holiday cottage and a beautiful coarse fishing lake.

© Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary | Reg Charity Number 1202748