Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary, Thirsk, North Yorkshire

Rehoming Questionnaire

If you wish to have your parrot rehomed at Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary, please complete the following questionnaire in order to provide us with as much information as possible. 

Details of Parrot

Details of Donor

When a parrot is first brought into Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary, we perform a series of veterinary checks to assess its health and disease status.

The MINIMUM cost of this is £100 per parrot, this excludes any further treatment required.

We worm and treat for mites – Approx cost £5 per parrot
It costs approx. £10 a month to feed a parrot – that’s £120 a year

There are also costs for: electricity, (heating & lighting), water, insurance, specialist cleaning products, maintenance etc.

We ask that you make a voluntary contribution towards these cost – the amount is at your discretion. 

Please use the button below to make a donation to Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary (amount can be changed at your discretion).

By using Paypal you can pay using your own Paypal account. If you don't have a Paypal account you can still use Paypal to pay with Debit or Credit Card.

Please click here to visit our Gift Aid page to register. It's quick and easy and helps us to receive extra funds for our vital work.

© Morndyke Parrot Sanctuary | Reg Charity Number 1202748

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